TITA Tower User Manual
1. Quick Start
1.1 Preparation Work
Before using the navigation tower, the following preparatory work needs to be done:
Installation and Power Supply The navigation tower is powered through TITA’s DB25 external interface and requires the use of an officially certified DB25 connection cable. Note that hot-plugging of the DB25 interface is prohibited, as it may cause abnormal power off of the navigation tower.
Debugging The navigation tower supports Ethernet interfaces, and can be connected to a laptop via an Ethernet cable, supporting multi-machine interactive visual debugging.
Viewing IP
To view the IP, you can connect to the navigation tower’s device information webpage through a hotspot:
You can change the
for TITA Tower on that webpage. is the IP assigned to the wired network port is the IP assigned to the wireless WiFi
1.2 Environmental Configuration
TITA Tower’s ROS_DOMAIN_ID defult value is 42,to implement multi-machine interaction, you need to set the ROS_DOMAIN_ID on the debugging machine to 42 as well. After setting it, execute source ~/.bashrc.
If you are using TITA in conjunction with Tower, you need to properly configure the ROS2 environment for TITA. For detailed operations, please refer to the relevant documentation《Ubuntu System Flashing Process》
1.2.1 Testing Device Communication
After TITA is powered on, it will power up the TITA Tower. When the indicator light on the TITA Tower turns blue, it is in standby mode. At this point, you can enter the command ros2 topic list in the robot system or computer terminal, and you should see the following topics:
2. software control
Enable TITA Tower
ros2 service call start std_srvs/srv/Trigger {}
Disable TITA Tower
ros2 service call stop std_srvs/srv/Trigger {}
Real-Time output
Providing High-Precision Odometry Information
nav_msgs/msg/Odometry ros2 topic echo mapping/odometry
RTK Latitude and Longitude Information(IN CHINA)
sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix ros2 topic echo rtk/gnss_soln
GPSLatitude and Longitude Information(OUTSIDE CHINA)
sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix ros2 topic echo gps/gnss_soln
Colored Mapping Point Cloud Data
sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 ros2 topic echo cloud_colored
Compressed Data from the Left Camera
sensor_msgs/msg/CompressedImage ros2 topic echo camera/left/jpeg
Compressed Data from the Right Camera
sensor_msgs/msg/CompressedImage ros2 topic echo camera/right/jpeg
Preview Data from the Left Camera
sensor_msgs/msg/Image ros2 topic echo camera/left/preview
Preview Data from the Right Camera
sensor_msgs/msg/Image ros2 topic echo camera/right/preview
Run rviz2
If you want to see PointCloud from TITA Tower,you can use rviz2
in your computer.After starting the TITA Tower, subscribe to /tower/mapping/cloud_color
1 rviz2